It's the most wonderful time of the year!
We offer plantscaping and holiday decorating services for projects of any size. Our team designs decorations to match the space and colors of your lobby, office, or room. We handle everything from large outdoor trees to seasonal displays, wreaths, bows, poinsettias, and other holiday plants. We don’t just focus on Christmas; if you need decorations for another holiday, reach out to us. We enjoy creating and decorating! Check out our gallery to see some of our previous holiday installations.
Custom Décor
Looking to install something really unique? We love to come up with custom designs no one else is creating. Take it from us, we've come up with some very creative holiday décor.
Interior & Exterior
We have decades of experience decorating interior and exterior spaces, including lobbies, shopping squares, theaters, commercial buildings, retail centers, and office spaces.
Holiday Lighting
We provide interior and exterior decorative lighting, including tree and wreath lighting, and more.